TERMS AND CONDITIONS for the Procelys website
This website is presented by Procelys and its subsidiaries . It has been created by WebexpR company and is hosted by server of the company OVH. Your use of this site is governed by the terms and conditions detailed hereafter. By using this site, you agree to abide by the present terms.
Legal information
The content featured on this website has been created exclusively for the purpose of providing information about Procelys. No commercial use may be made of the data shown on the site without the prior written agreement of Procelys, the site’s publisher. Your use of the site is governed by the following terms and conditions.
General terms of use
The control and administration of the site are carried out from Procelys’s administrative headquarters in Maisons-Alfort(France) which makes no claim that this material is adapted to, or available for use in all countries. If you are using the site from other regions, it is your responsibility to ensure that you conform to local laws and regulations.
Procelys reserves the right to modify or correct the site content at any moment, without notice, in addition to the present terms. It may not be considered liable for any possible consequences of such modifications. If any part of these terms appears to be inapplicable, said part shall be construed according to applicable law insofar as this is possible, and all other provisions shall continue to be valid.
Intellectual property rights
The site in its entirety is the property of Procelys, as are all related rights. Any partial or complete reproduction must always be subject to authorization from the site owners.
The presentation and content of the website jointly constitute a “work” protected by the applicable legislation concerning the intellectual property rights belonging to Procelys.
The text, images, drawings, layout and graphical identity of this site are protected by intellectual property legislation. Copying, extracting, circulating, broadcasting or modifying the content of this site for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden. The downloading and printing of text, images and graphical features is authorized for private use only, to the exclusion of all commercial use. The reproduction of drawings, images, audio files, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is subject to the prior written agreement of Procelys.
Any failure to obtain such authorization will be treated and pursued as a case of intellectual property right infringement.
Procelys authorizes the downloading of a copy of the information to a temporary storage area strictly for private consultation purposes only, on condition that you do not, delete, alter or modify the pages or the content concerned, or change any copyright logo or other symbol, such as the symbols concerning registered trademarks, reservation of rights, or any other protected rights (copyright, “©” or “®” symbols, etc), digital traceability data or any other technical aspect created for recognition purposes.
The trademarks and logos featured on the site are registered and protected. Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks and/or logos carried out based on elements featured on the site without the express authorization of Procelys constitutes an act of infringement, punishable by articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
The databases created by Procelys are protected by copyright law and by the law dated July 1, 1998 adapting the intellectual property code to incorporate the European directive of March 11, 1996 concerning the legal protection of databases. Unless the prior written agreement of Procelys has been obtained, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or modification (whether partial or total) or any transfer to another site is strictly forbidden.
With the exception of the express provisions detailed above, no aspect of the present document may be interpreted as granting any license, right, copyright or other intellectual property rights of any form. If, in your capacity as the owner of an intellectual property right, you feel that your work has been unfairly copied or distributed via this site, please immediately inform Procelys of this by writing to the following address:
Procelys 103 rue Jean Jaurès, 94701 Maisons-Alfort cedex – France
For the attention of the legal department (Service Juridique).
Contacting Procelys
Your messages are always welcome on the Procelys website. Any message or document which you may send to the website by e-mail or by any other means, including (for example) personal details, questions or answers, comments, suggestions or any other information, will be treated as non-confidential and non-exclusive.
Any data which you may submit or put online may be used by Procelys or allocated by license to third parties by Procelys, for any purpose whatsoever, including (but not limited to) the rental of mailing lists, proposing products or services, reproduction, divulgence, transmission, publication, broadcasting or inclusion on the Internet.
Furthermore, Procelys is free to use any idea, concept, know-how or techniques contained in any message which you send to the website regardless of its subject.
Exclusion of liability
It is possible that the documents featured on this site contain inaccuracies or errors. The use of, and visits to this website are undertaken at your own risk. Neither Procelys nor any other party involved in the creation, production or delivery of this site will be required to pay any direct or indirect damages or compensation resulting from your access to or use of this site.
Procelys does not guarantee that the functional aspects of the website will never be interrupted or free from errors, nor that this website or the server providing access to it are free from viruses or other dangerous components.
Without in any way restricting the above, all information and data contained on this site is proposed to you “AS IS”, i.e. WITH NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED GUARANTEE OF ANY FORM. Procelys reserves the right to make changes to this website at any time, without notice.
Procelys may not be considered liable for any links created directly or indirectly from its website, or for the content of other websites. The creation of hypertext links to the site may only proceed subject to the prior written agreement of Procelys, which may be revoked at any time. The existence of any link to sites linked to the website does not imply approval by Procelys of the content of the pages hosted off at website or of any other site linked to website. Consequently, you access other off-site web pages or websites via links at your own risk and under your own liability.
In conformity with the Informatique et Libertés (data protection) law number 78-17 dated January 6, 1978, the processing of named data on the website is subject to a declaration to the CNIL (French data protection authority). You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any data concerning you.
In order to do so, please submit your request in writing to the following address:
Procelys – Communication Group 103 rue Jean Jaurès, Maisons-Alfort – France
Cookie information
In order to improve our service to you, we measure the number of page views, the number of visits, in addition to the activity of visitors to our website including their return rate. To achieve this, we use “cookies”. The cookies used by contain: a unique identifier generated at random, in addition to the date of your last visit.
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Legal competence
In the event of litigation or disputes, only French law will apply and only the courts of Lille (France) will be considered competent.
© 2023– Procelys – All rights reserved.
Publication manager:
Pierre BRUN
Design and development:
OVM Communication
Site owner/publisher:
103 rue Jean Jaurès, 94701 Maisons-Alfort cedex – France